What's Growing

I am happy to say that my tomato plant produced some great fruit! Next season I am buying several of them (not just my one) so I can have my homegrown tomatoes in my salads every night... or the nights we have salads. ha! Anyway... here are two examples of what we produced. Not bad for a first timer, eh?! I still have NO IDEA what 'type' of tomatoes these are... just know they are a form of a grape tomato. Next year I promise to pay more attention! *doh*

This is what you end up with when your two year old discovers fun little balls growing on the small tree outside... :)

As I posted before, I just recently started attempting growing herbs, veggies and flowers. So far I have been having some luck with the herbs (I have lots now... basil, thyme, oregano, peppermint, green onions and  parsley) My grape tomatoes seem to be thriving right now but my strawberries are kind of mini-berries... which i think is the result of planting them in a too small container. But regardless, I am really enjoying my new found hobby. My flowers are doing good but there are a few that seem to be thriving better than others... so i water more and water less and try to find the right balance for them all to flourish! I am kind of obsessed with them though as I want more and more and more to fill my garden up! :) I hope in the end to really accomplish a beautiful garden I can enjoy all year! Anyway... here are a couple photos from the things I am growing. I will post more soon! 

Above is my most recent herbs... I have another hanging herb garden on my fence that is doing equally as well. Looks pretty and taste yummy... what else could you ask for! 

My tomatoes! There are over 20 of them now! 

My mini-strawberries. haha Well, these may not be doing as well as all the rest... but at least there is hope with some tweaking! :D 


I love cooking with fresh produce.... and have always wanted to grow my own. So recently I decided to try my hand at it. I will admit that my track record with growing things had not been a good one. I have really only attempted a flower garden and a few house plants... all in plant heaven now *sigh* But it seems I am having much more luck with herbs and vegetables! I am successfully growing peppermint (pictured above), rosemary and basil and plan to keep expanding. I love it. The look, the smell, the fresh herbs in my dishes! I have one tomato plant and one strawberry plant that, up until my two year old decided they were ready for early picking, was doing quite well! Will keep posting on the progress and the process of my expanding garden and I would love to hear any tips for those who are also growing!


Last year I decided to plant a garden. It turned out beautifully....here are some pics of my harvest...cant wait to plant again this year

 bell peppers (growing)
my HUGE squash and zucchini plants
 banana pepper
 my harvest


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